Animoshing »

Garfield Halloween
Garfield jiibayaa-giizhigak
Video with Ojibwe subtitles

Video with English subtitles

Audio-only MP3 file of soundtrack

Original video is an excerpt from Garfield’s Halloween Adventure, available on YouTube at (this excerpt begins at 9:42)

I re-created all the music myself and recorded myself singing and talking in Ojibwe. I am not a native speaker, so this was my best attempt at pronunciation at the time.

Syllabics transcript

ᐃᐣᑮ᐀ᐗᓂᐦᔑᓇᒥᐣ ᓂᐦᒌᐗᒃ᙮
ᑮᐗᐡᑴᐲᐗᐠ ᐦᑖᔮ,
ᓃᓀᐦᑕ ᑭᔖᓇᒀ᙮

ᔪ, ᐦᐅ, ᐦᐅ, ᐦᐅ,
ᓈᐗᑳᒻ ᐱᒫᐦᔑᔮᐣᐠ!
ᔪ, ᐦᐅ, ᐦᐅ, ᐦᐅ,
ᒣᓍᓂᒪᐦᑭᐣ ᐊᐣᐯ!

ᑭᔖᔑᐦᔑᐦᑫ, ᐅᑏ᙮ ᑳᐐᐣ ᑭᑖ᐀ᓭᑭᓯᐦᓰᐣ᙮ ᐊᐱᓅᒌᐣᔭᐠ ᐁᐦᑕ! ᐅᓇᐣᑐᑖᓈᐙᐣ ᓰᐣᓯᐹᐦᑾᑑᓐᐢ, ᓈᐦᓴᑊ ᑮᓇᐎᐣᐟ᙮ ᑭᐙᐸᐣᑖᐣ ᐃᓇ? ᑳᐐᐣ ᐐᐦᑳ ᐃᐣᓭᑭᓯᐦᓰᐣ᙮

ᐃᐣᑭᐦᑎᒥᐡᑭᓈᑎᐠ, ᓂᐐᓂᓄ᙮
ᒦ ᒣᐗᑎᐦᔑᐌᐦᓯᐙᓀᐣ ᑯ᙮
ᑳᐐᐣ ᓂᒫᑕᐦᐆᐦᑮᐦᓰᐣ,
ᑳᐐᐣ ᐐᐦᑳ ᑕᔥ ᐃᐣᓭᑭᓯᐦᓰᐣ!
(ᑳᐐᐣ ᐐᐦᑳ ᓭᑭᓯᐦᓰᐣ!)

ᓂᒫᔑ᐀ᐃᔑᐌᐱᓯᓈᑎᐠ ᓃᐣ᙮
ᒦ ᔕᔮᑸᐐᐙᓀᐣ ᓃᐣ᙮
ᑳᐦ ᐃᐣᑭᔐᐙᑎᓯᐦᓰᓈᑎᐠ,
ᑳᐐᐣ ᐐᐦᑳ ᑕᔥ ᐃᐣᓭᑭᓯᐦᓰᐣ!
(ᑳᐐᐣ ᐐᐦᑳ ᓭᑭᓯᐦᓰᐣ!)

ᒦ ᒫᒪᐦᑳᑎᓯᐦᓯᐙᓐ᙮
ᑳᐐᐣ ᐃᐣᑕᒸᐠ ᐊᐌᐦᓰᓐᓴᐠ᙮
ᐃᐣᑳᔕᑫᓐᓯᐦᔑᐤ ᓃᐣ,
ᑳᐐᐣ ᐐᐦᑳ ᐁᓐ,
ᑳᐐᐣ ᐐᐦᑳ ᐦᐣᑎᐦᑭᐟ,
ᑳᐐᐣ ᐐᐦᑳ ᑕᔥ ᐃᐣᓭᑭᓯ...
(ᑳᐐᐣ ᐐᐦᑳ ᓭᑭᓯᐦᓰᐣ!)

Romanized transcript

ingii-wanishinamin nichiiwak.
Giiwashkwebiiwag ’taayaa,
niineta gizhaanagwaa.

Yo, ho, ho, ho,
naawagaam bimaashiyaang!
Yo, ho, ho, ho,
menwaanimakin ambe!

Gizhaazhishike, Odie. Gaawiin gidaa-zegizisiin. Abinoojiinyag eta! Onandodaanaawaan ziinzibaakwadoons, naasab giinawind. Giwaabandaan ina? Gaawiin wiikaa inzegizisiin.

Ingitimishkinaadig, niwiinino.
Mii mewadishiwesiwaanen go.
Gaawiin nimaada’ookiisiin,
Gaawiin wiikaa dash inzegizisiin!
(Gaawiin wiikaa zegizisiin!)

Nimaazhi-izhiwebizinaadig niin.
Mii zhayaagwiiwiiwaanen niin.
Gaa’ ingizhewaadizisiinaadig,
Gaawiin wiikaa dash inzegizisiin!
(Gaawiin wiikaa zegizisiin!)

Mii maamakaadizisiwaanh.
Gaawiin indamwaag awesiinsag.
Ingaazhagensishiw niin,
Gaawiin wiikaa enh,
Gaawiin wiikaa ’ndikid,
Gaawiin wiikaa dash inzegizi...
(Gaawiin wiikaa zegizisiin!)

English translation

We were sailing in a boat
We were lost in a severe storm.
They were drunk, hey,
I alone was watching over them.

Yo, ho, ho, ho,
in the middle of the lake we are sailing along!
Yo, ho, ho, ho,
whenever the winds are favorable, let’s go!

Don’t guard me, Odie. You shouldn’t be scared. It’s only children! They’re asking for candy, same as us. Do you see it? I’m never scared.

I might be a lazybones, I’m fat.
Maybe I don’t visit people, sure.
I don’t share,
But I’m never scared!
(He’s never scared!)

I might behave badly.
Perhaps I lack muscle.
Maybe I’m not generous,
But I’m never scared!
(He’s never scared!)

I’m not amazing.
I don’t eat little animals.
I’m a naughty cat,
I’m never, yeah,
I’m never, I say,
I’m never sca...
(He’s never scared!)

Original English

Sixty men all lost at sea,
all of them drunk except for me.
’Twas I who had to face the storm,
with nothing in sight to keep me warm.

Yo, ho, ho, ho,
over the raging sea we go!
Yo, ho, ho, ho,
wherever the four winds blow!

Odie, will you stop guarding me? There’s nothing to be frightened of. These are kids, just like us. They’re out trick-or-treating for candy, just like us. See? I’m no scaredy-cat.

I may be lazy, I may be fat.
I don’t do laps, and I do not chat.
I may be selfish, yeah, and all of that.
But the one thing I'm not is a scaredy-cat.
(The one thing he's not is a scaredy-cat!)

I may be bossy, I may lack grace.
I don’t do sit-ups to trim my waist.
I may be thoughtless, yeah, and all of that.
But the one thing I’m not is a scaredy-cat.
(The one thing he's not is a scaredy-cat!)

I don’t have charm or much pizzazz.
I don’t chase mice and all that jazz.
I may be sassy, yes, and all of that.
But the one thing I’m not, yeah,
the one thing thing I’m not, I said,
the one thing thing I’m not is a scaredy...
(The one thing he’s not is a scaredy-cat!)


Noah Johnson, October 2020